How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle?
How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle? I wanted to talk a little about how I maintain a healthy lifestyle. About 4 years ago I was introduced to flexible dieting, this was pretty knew to me at the time and I found it to be a little difficult at first. I knew the basics about nutrition and I thought I had to eat 6 meals a day, and that they all had to be chicken and rice or some other boring "Bro" food. Once I figured out how to properly track all my food I realized how simple it really was. Through tracking all my food, I learned a lot about food and how my body responded to it. I achieved a lot of goals with flexible dieting and learned a lot about nutrition.
What Is Flexible Dieting?
It is basically tracking your macronutrients (protein, fats, and carbs) To achieve a goal or for body composition. Macronutrients make up the majority of our diets. There are three main macronutrients: Protein, fats, and carbs. One gram of each macronutrient has a specific calorie value, rather than counting calories (eating 2000 calories a day).
Flexible dieting requires that you track your macronutrients (Eating 150g of protein, 80g of fat, 170g of carbohydrates = 2000 calories).
What Are The Benefits?
For me the biggest benefit is FLEXIBILITY! By focusing on your macronutrient intake instead of eating certain foods it allows you to enjoy life while still making GAINZ. By allowing some flexibility in your diet, it allows you to join in on meals with your families and friends, so long as you keep track of what you're eating. Practicing this allows you to be more aware of how much you are eating and forces you to sometimes make the smarter choices.
I have been practicing flexible dieting for years now. I have made it part of my lifestyle. Unlike other diets, this is the only one that allowed me to not miss out on certain parts of my life. I have also been able to achieve all my goals along the way. I wanted to write this blog to tell people that we all struggle with nutrition and flexible dieting may not work for you, but I suggest you at least give it a try. Find a good coach to help get you started. If you realize it's not for you, that's fine. But I guarantee you will learn a lot about nutrition and that will only benefit you.