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Why Kettlebells?

I have been into weight lifting since I was in high school. It wasn't until i was in my mid twenties that I decided I wanted to take my training to a whole other level. I was accustomed to your typical machine workouts and became very frustrated with my lack of progress so I decided to get help from a coach. I studied all the trainers at the gym that I went to and decided to work with the one who stood out the most. His training techniques were quite different then what I was accustomed to. He took more of a functional approach to training so I really learned a lot about how to properly train with free weights. I was very happy because I broke my plateau and learned a lot of valuable information along the way. After having him mentor me for a few years I began to seek more knowledge and I found a opportunity to enter a intern program at a very well known kettle bell gym in my area.

I had never been properly exposed to kettlebells and was quite curious about them. During my time as a intern I was also getting myself ready to compete in a bodybuilding competition. The more I learned about kettlebells and began to experience the results first hand for myself I made it a personal goal to prepare myself for a bodybuilding competition using mostly kettlebells and barbells. Everyone I talked to said I was crazy they said that you can't gain muscle with kettlebells and that I needed to isolate the muscle blah blah blah, I paid no attention to them because I was determined to prove them wrong. I kept my nutrition on point and kept lifting heavy bells and was able to obtain my pro card from my dedication. If used properly I believe kettlebells can yield unbelievable results.

After my competition I decided I was going to become a certified kettlebell practitioner. I took a user coarse from Master SFG Zar Horton who I learned a lot from and then went on to obtain my Strong First Level 1Instructor Certification. After countless hours of practicing, teaching, and training I knew there was something special about the kettlebell.

People ask me all the time, "why kettlebells? Is there really any difference from dumbbells or other forms of exercise?" Kettlebells are very different from any other form of training modality, they are considered to be the martial arts of strength training. Kettlebells change people, they teach people to move better. Proper kettlebell training will actually reeducate people how to move efficiently, this is very important because many of us today have poor mobility due to sedentary occupations and lifestyles. So let me ask you this, "why don't you use kettlebells?"

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