The Goal! Taming the iron
The Goal
“Taming the iron”
What is the goal of physical exercise or training? This is a question I ask everyone I work with. This is also a question I ask myself all the time. For most people it is to lose weight, gain weight, or feel better. These are all great goals and reasons for working out and eating better but I find that over time if people reach their goal they tend to forget their reason for starting in the first place. It has happened to me before so I took a totally different approach to my reasons for working out.
After being involved in the fitness industry for a while now, I have studied some of the patterns that people fall into with fitness and exercise. So many people tend to be so hard on themselves when it comes to fitness they see that they are putting in a lot of work with their training and nutrition but may not be getting the results they think they should be “we are our own worst enemy” especially when it comes to fitness. Like I said before I have fallen into this pattern quite a bit in the past. I always thought I should be leaner, stronger and better than I was the week before. People fail to realize if that were the case we would all be as strong and powerful as Superman and Wonder Woman, as awesome as that would be, it is just unrealistic.
It wasn't until I started teaching kettle bells to people that I realized how close it was to martial arts. What is the goal of a good martial-artist? To MASTER their skill and their BODY.
This made me think to myself if more people approached their fitness journey with the same mind set they would see tremendous results and they would make training a long term goal just like martial-artists train their whole life to master their skill. People should train for the purpose of mastering their strength. I believe if they looked at fitness with this perspective they would far proceed the goals they set out for in the first place.
“When trainees perfect their technique with kettlebell exercises, they develop agility and the ability to move efficiently with minimal energy expenditure. That is why one should not only pay attention to strength development alone but also to the technique of the strength exercises.”